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The life and times of an elderly educationalist in a technological age.

Friday, February 22, 2008

A wee fun thing.

I saw this used by Ewan at Teachmeet 07 and thought what fun it might be in class.
Anyway thanks to Mr W for the details, gleaned at Teachmeet North in Perth this week.
Couldn't get it to sit in my Edublog, so am experimenting here. Try putting in few names and then hit the button.

Click here for full screen version

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Playing with voki 1of 3.

These posts need to be seen/heard in order to make any sense. The sound breaks up a bit, misses the odd number and syllable, but there's educational potential.
Lesson Intro:-

Playing with voki 2

The middle

Get a Voki now!

Playing with voki 3.

The end

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I know nuffin!

For someone who is always wanting to put the C in ICT , tonight I failed in my attempt to link with those who are the real communicators. I could not get the html/java to work on my blogs to produce,( no matter where I placed them) the wee snapshot of them at http://www.mybloglog.com/buzz/members/marlyn/ but I know someone will help.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Learn something every day!

My Great Grandmother, at 90, said to me that she made a point of learning something new every day. At 25 as I was then, I wondered why, but didn't question. But now I do it too, though the difference is, that I have to record it somewhere to remember it. She didn't!
So what did I learn today? I learned that many people in education are concerned about the internet behaviour and safety of our children, but that there is not much real help out there for how to tackle an ever increasing problem. I'm not writing about paedophile interest necessarily. Peer groups cause disquiet too. We as professionals have a 'duty of care' though most of this stuff is not happening in schools, but there has been a 'knock on' effect in some. As a firm believer in the C in ICT, education is the name of the game, but I am beginning to be a wee bit concerned as I try to write plans to cover this in ICT, PSD and Health, that the old adage....'You can lead the horse to water....' will apply, and they will not act upon it and as a result be no safer, despite having been 'educated'.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Been busy!

Been missing the therapy that this blogging thing has become. What have I been doing?
Writing an essay! It's the holidays I know, but when is a class teacher ever going to be able to work on the Chartered Teacher Programme except when she is not teaching! And paying £650 for the priviledge! Sno real is it? Am I daft or just approaching an impecunious retirement?
On a more positive note, my little chickadees continue to send their mail about their holidays and what Campbell bear is doing. Isn't that super? Guess they're hooked too!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Small fry for clever people!

Not for me,takes me a while! Today I discovered how to send pictures from my phone in my garden, to my computer in the house. Then I found out how to send sound files that I had recorded on my phone. Then I discovered how to send sound files from my computer to my phone. Then I found how to send documents to my phone and vice versa, and how to see them properly. A eureka moment! Now thinking.....clever stuff....classroom. Mmmmmmmm

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Technology saw me through it!

Remember that AifL 'test' I was wittering on about a few weeks ago? Well I swithered about this for a while and then thought I'd publish to give those reflective teachers out there some encouragement. I know that some of what goes on in my classroom is good stuff, but, as a 'golden oldie' am never sure if it measures up to all the new rulers. Experience counts for more than we think, though. So, I could only do what I normally do, but with one or two modern bits thrown in, just to highlight the additional breadth that the technology can bring to the curriculum, increasing the level of involvement and achievement for the children.

But now the end is nigh!
I had chosen to forget that the Promethean board and the Activote pods were on loan from the Authority, so deeply were they embedded in my day. Now, they have to be returned. I did explain that if anyone had attempted to collect them before the end of term, I would have to be surgically removed from the top of the board, and my little chickadees would bite kneecaps! So now it's back to my old film screen and much less exciting times. It'll take more than a bottle of wine and a big bar of chocolate to get over this loss! Hari kari could be an option!